Euroleague Stats 2024-2025: all teams’ and players’ traditional and advanced stats.
Teams stats: box scores and aggregated ones of all teams’ and opponents’ stats (traditional and advanced). By using the box above the tables, you can view the statistics according to different criteria. The advanced stats will be calculated considering the filters set.
Players stats: box scores and aggregated ones of all players’ stats (traditional and advanced). By using the box above the tables, you can view the statistics according to different criteria. The advanced stats will be calculated considering the filters set.
Lineups stats: lineups’ stats (team and opponent, traditional and advanced). You can also find the impacts team by team. The advanced stats will be calculated considering the filters set.
Legend can be found below the tables. For more information, please visit the Glossary. For data filters, use MM/GG/YY format. To select a single phase of the competition, use the scroll-down menu “Season segment”.
euroleague 2024-2025 stats
TM NAME: teams; GP: games played; W: wins; L: losses; W%: winning percentage; MIN: minutes played; PTS: points; 2PTM: 2-point goals made; 2PTA: 2-point goals attempts; 2P%: 2-point percentage; 3PTM: 3-point goals made; 3PTA: 3-point goals attempts; 3P%: 3-point percentage; FGM: field goals made; FGA: field goals attempts; FG%: field goals percentage; FTM: free throws made; FTA: free throws attempts; FT%:free throws percentage; OR: offensive rebounds; DR: defensive rebounds; TR: total rebounds; Ast: assists; TO: turnovers; ST: steal; BLK: blocks; PF: personal fouls; DF: drawn fouls; VAL: index rating; +/-: plus minus;
Pace: average Pace of the team; Poss: possession played by the team; Shooting chances: shooting chances played by the team (possessions + offensive rebounds); OFF PPP: point scored per shooting chance; DEF PPP: point allowed per shooting chance; OFF RTG: offensive rating; DEF RTG: defensive rating; NET RTG: net rating; eFG%: effective field goal percentage; TS%: true shooting percentage; RIM FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a shot taken around the rim; RIM PPS: point per shot around the rim; PAINT FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a shot taken in the paint (no rim shots); PAINT PPS: point per shot in the paint (no rim shots); MID FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a shot taken outside the paint; MID PPS: point per shot outside the paint; C3 FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a corner 3; C3 PPS: point per shot from the corners; L3 FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a long 3; L3 PPS: point per shot from the arc; FT Ratio: frequency of shooting chances ended with a trip to the FT line (no tech); TO%: frequency of shooting chances ended with a turnover; AST%: assist percentage; AST% (2P): assist percentage of 2P shots; AST% (3P): assist percentage of 3P shots; AST% (FT): assist percentage of FT’s; AST RATIO: assist per 100 possession; AST/TO: assist – turnover ratio; OR%: offensive rebounds percentage; OR% (2P): offensive rebounds percentage after a 2P shot; OR% (3P): offensive rebounds percentage after a 3P shot; OR% (FT): offensive rebounds percentage after a FT; DR%: defensive rebounds percentage; DR% (2P): defensive rebounds percentage after a 2P shot; DR% (3P): defensive rebounds percentage after a 3P shot; DR% (FT): defensive rebounds percentage after a FT; TR%: total rebounds percentage; ST%: steal percentage; BLK%: blocks percentage; KILLS: number of kills got. A kill is three consecutive stops of the opponent; PSF FREQ: percentage of shooting fouls committed related to the total amount of PF; DSF FREQ: percentage of shooting fouls drawn related to the total amount of DF; SoS: strength of schedule;
NAME: player’s name; ROLE: role; NAT: nationality; HEIGHT: player’s height; AGE: player’s age; TEAM: team; GP: game played; W: wins; L: losses; W%: winning percentage; MIN: minutes played; PTS: points; 2PTM: 2-point goals made; 2PTA: 2-point goals attempts; 2P%: 2-point percentage; 3PTM: 3-point goals made; 3PTA: 3-point goals attempts; 3P%: 3-point percentage; FGM: field goals made; FGA: field goals attempts; FG%: field goals percentage; FTM: free throws made; FTA: free throws attempts; FT%:free throws percentage; OR: offensive rebounds; DR: defensive rebounds; TR: total rebounds; AST: assists; TO: turnovers; ST: steals; BLK: blocks; PF: personal fouls; DF: drawn fouls; VAL: index rating; +/-: plus minus;
POSS: possessions; USG%: usage percentage; PPP: point per possession; OFF RTG (ON): team offensive rating while player is on the court; DEF RTG (ON): team defensive rating while player is on the court; NET RTG (ON): team net rating while player is on the court; IND OFF RTG: individual offensive rating; IND DEF RTG: individual defensive rating; IND NET RTG: individual net rating; eFG%: effective field goal percentage; TS%: true shooting percentage; RIM FREQ: frequency of possessions ended with a shot taken around the rim; RIM PPS: point per shot around the rim; PAINT FREQ: frequency of possessions ended with a shot taken in the paint (no rim shots); PAINT PPS: point per shot in the paint (no rim shots); MID FREQ: frequency of possessions ended with a shot taken outside the paint; MID PPS: point per shot outside the paint; C3 FREQ: frequency of possessions ended with a corner 3; C3 PPS: point per shot from the corners; L3 FREQ: frequency of possessions ended with a long 3; L3 PPS: point per shot from the arc; FT Ratio: frequency of possessions ended with a trip to the FT line (no tech); TO%: frequency of possessions ended with a turnover; AST%: percentage of shots assisted by the player; AST% (2P): percentage of 2P shots assisted by the player; AST% (3P): percentage of 3P shots assisted by the player; AST% (FT): percentage of FT’s assisted by the player; AST RATIO: assist per 100 possessions; AST/TO: assist – turnover ratio; OR%: offensive rebounds percentage; OR% (2P): offensive rebounds percentage after a 2P shot; OR% (3P): offensive rebounds percentage after a 3P shot; OR% (FT): offensive rebounds percentage after a FT; DR%: defensive rebounds percentage; DR% (2P): defensive rebounds percentage after a 2P shot; DR% (3P): defensive rebounds percentage after a 3P shot; DR% (FT): defensive rebounds percentage after a FT; TR%: total rebounds percentage; ST%: steal percentage; BLK%: blocks percentage; PF 100 Poss: personal fouls per 100 possessions; DF 100 Poss: drawn fouls per 100 possessions; PER: player efficiency rating; OFF WIN SHARE: offensive win share; DEF WIN SHARE: defensive win share; WIN SHARE: win share; Win Share per 40 minutes: Win Share per 40 minutes; OBPM: offensive Box Plus Minus; DBPM: defensive Box Plus Minus; BPM: Box Plus Minus; VORP: Value Over Replacement Player; TM PACE (ON): team Pace while the player is on the court; TM OFF RTG (ON): team offensive rating while the player is on the court; TM DEF RTG (ON): team defensive rating while the player is on the court; TM NET RTG (ON): team net rating while the player is on the court; TM TS% (ON): team TS% while the player is on the court; TM OR% (ON): team OR% while the player is on the court; TM TO% (ON): team TO% while the player is on the court; TM FT Ratio (ON): team FT Ratio while the player is on the court; OPP TS% (ON): opponent TS% while the player is on the court; OPP OR% (ON): opponent OR% while the player is on the court; OPP TO% (ON): opponent TO% while the player is on the court; OPP FT Ratio (ON): opponent FT Ratio while the player is on the court; TM PACE (OFF): team Pace while the player is off the court; TM OFF RTG (OFF): team offensive rating while the player is off the court; TM DEF RTG (OFF): team defensive rating while the player is off the court; TM NET RTG (OFF): team net rating while the player is off the court; TM TS% (OFF): team TS% while the player is off the court; TM OR% (OFF): team OR% while the player is off the court; TM TO% (OFF): team TO% while the player is off the court; TM FT Ratio (OFF): team FT Ratio while the player is off the court; OPP TS% (OFF): opponent TS% while the player is off the court; OPP OR% (OFF): opponent OR% while the player is off the court; OPP TO% (OFF): opponent TO% while the player is off the court; OPP FT Ratio (OFF): opponent FT Ratio while the player is off the court; TM PACE (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM OFF RTG (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM DEF RTG (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM NET RTG (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM TS% (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM OR% (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM TO% (NET): ON-OFF difference; TM FT Ratio (NET): ON-OFF difference; OPP TS% (NET): ON-OFF difference; OPP OR% (NET): ON-OFF difference; OPP TO% (NET): ON-OFF difference; OPP FT Ratio (NET): ON-OFF difference;
LINEUP: lineups; TM: team code; GP: games played; W: wins; L: losses; W%: winning percentage; MIN: minutes played; PTS: points; 2PTM: 2-point goals made; 2PTA: 2-point goals attempts; 2P%: 2-point percentage; 3PTM: 3-point goals made; 3PTA: 3-point goals attempts; 3P%: 3-point percentage; FGM: field goals made; FGA: field goals attempts; FG%: field goals percentage; FTM: free throws made; FTA: free throws attempts; FT%:free throws percentage; OR: offensive rebounds; DR: defensive rebounds; TR: total rebounds; Ast: assists; TO: turnovers; ST: steal; BLK: blocks; PF: personal fouls; DF: drawn fouls; VAL: index rating; +/-: plus minus;
Pace: average Pace of the team; Poss: possession played by the team; Shooting chances: shooting chances played by the team (possessions + offensive rebounds); OFF PPP: point scored per shooting chance; DEF PPP: point allowed per shooting chance; OFF RTG: offensive rating; DEF RTG: defensive rating; NET RTG: net rating; eFG%: effective field goal percentage; TS%: true shooting percentage; RIM FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a shot taken around the rim; RIM PPS: point per shot around the rim; PAINT FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a shot taken in the paint (no rim shots); PAINT PPS: point per shot in the paint (no rim shots); MID FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a shot taken outside the paint; MID PPS: point per shot outside the paint; C3 FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a corner 3; C3 PPS: point per shot from the corners; L3 FREQ: frequency of shooting chances ended with a long 3; L3 PPS: point per shot from the arc; FT Ratio: frequency of shooting chances ended with a trip to the FT line (no tech); TO%: frequency of shooting chances ended with a turnover; AST%: assist percentage; AST% (2P): assist percentage of 2P shots; AST% (3P): assist percentage of 3P shots; AST% (FT): assist percentage of FT’s; AST RATIO: assist per 100 possession; AST/TO: assist – turnover ratio; OR%: offensive rebounds percentage; OR% (2P): offensive rebounds percentage after a 2P shot; OR% (3P): offensive rebounds percentage after a 3P shot; OR% (FT): offensive rebounds percentage after a FT; DR%: defensive rebounds percentage; DR% (2P): defensive rebounds percentage after a 2P shot; DR% (3P): defensive rebounds percentage after a 3P shot; DR% (FT): defensive rebounds percentage after a FT; TR%: total rebounds percentage; ST%: steal percentage; BLK%: blocks percentage; KILLS: number of kills got. A kill is three consecutive stops of the opponent; PSF FREQ: percentage of shooting fouls committed related to the total amount of PF; DSF FREQ: percentage of shooting fouls drawn related to the total amount of DF;
Euroleague Stats 2024-2025 have been calculated from box scores available on Euroleague Official Website.